The Company’s basic policy with respect to dividends is to consistently pay a stable dividend after consideration of a comprehensive range of factors, including returns to shareholders commensurate with earnings trends and ensuring that internal reserves are sufficient to strengthen the Company’s corporate structure and support future business development.

Historical Dividend Data

2020/10 2021/10 2022/10 2023/10 2024/10 2025/10
Dividend Per Share(yen) 1Q ------
3Q ------
FY-End 8.0010.0014.0027.0024.0024.00
Total 12.0015.0022.0045.0034.0034.00
Amount of Dividends(million yen) 1,5011,8772,6435,4134,093-
Payout Ratio(%) 22.720.816.
Ratio of Total Amount of Dividends to Net Assets(%)